know, he loops himself on stage, like live and stuff. Like, he can whistle a
tune and then pick up his fiddle and fill in a melody and then layer it over
and over again until he sounds like, like a kickass full orchestra. Early in
his career, you know, after The Firecracker Jazz Band and Andrew Bird’s Bowl of
Fire, and actually in that album he wrote, what’s it called? Weather Systems? Yeah, that entire album is basically like, him
playing solo, but he sounds like he has a full band. The title track is swish.
Yeah, he’s pretty raw.
and did you know he sometimes uses words in his songs just because he likes the
sound? Yeah. Once, he wrote this song called “Sovay,” like that old English
poem, but he has no idea what the word means, or what the poem’s about. I don’t
either. We don’t want to look it up or ask anyone. He’s like, a poet or
something. He’s pretty neat.
know, I think I might have met him once. Or twice.
know, I practically know Andrew Bird, like in real life. Yeah, he used to play
in The Firecracker Jazz band before he started his solo career, and he’s like
really tight with my friend’s family because my friend’s dad played trumpet in
that band, like with Andrew Bird.
know a few of his songs. Heard them here or there, you know. I’ve got a few of
his albums too. Last I checked, I had about 9.5 hours (135 songs) of Andrew
Bird. But I think I’m still missing quite a few, you know, like the special
limited editions, some single releases, remixes, live shoes, and weird odds and
ends and stuff like that. But that’s OK, I can recite most of the lyrics
anyways. You know, you could like, hum me a melody of his and I can name the
song. Yeah, it’s pretty cool. I’m like, psychic or something.
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